Wednesday – VaultSpeed Hands On | Automated Data Transformation
May 1, 2024 11:00 12:30 Pinnacle Room
Automated Data Transformation | Hands-On Demo with VaultSpeed
Automation is often sold as a concept rather than a practical tool to make multi-source data integration and transformation simpler, faster, and better.
However, adoption is as crucial as the technology itself. Automation has to work seamlessly for any company-specific data and technology stack and adapts to changes in sources, technologies, and opinions.
Join this session to discover how VaultSpeed has engineered and perfected its automation solution to do just that. We’ll show you how we enable enterprise companies to set up fully functional automation without leaving them burdened with intricate setups, manual migrations, and the necessity to develop, test, and maintain automation code themselves.
Explore how advanced “automated data transformation” generates a comprehensive relational Data Vault model based on the source metadata. Learn how to easily adapt that model using our intuitive point-and-click interface, and discover how VaultSpeed automates the transformation code to integrate diverse physical data sources in alignment with the relational data.
Setting up automation for your specific tech stack by simply setting parameters
Harvesting metadata from your data sources
Mapping the Data Vault model to your unique business model
Automating the generation of ETL, DDL, and workflow code